Qualifying exam written responses
Demo: The unscented particle filter
The unscented particle filter
Evaluation of real-time physics simulation systems
Physically based deformable models in computer graphics
Particle-based fluid simulation for interactive applications
Simulation of clothing with folds and wrinkles
Nonconvex rigid bodies with stacking
Stable real-time deformations
Stable fluids
Rational use of cognitive resources: levels of analysis between the computational and the algorithmic
Selecting computations: theory and applications
Bayesian fundamentalism or enlightenment? On the explanatory status and theoretical contributions of Bayesian models of cognition
Unfalsifiability and mutual translatability of major modeling schemes in choice reaction time
Optimal predictions in everyday cognition: the wisdom of individuals or crowds?
Judgment under uncertainty: heuristics and biases
On the psychology of prediction
Theory learning as a stochastic search in a language of thought
A probabilistic model of theory formation
Theory-based causal induction
Learning overhypotheses with hierarchical Bayesian models
Thought experiments
The role of imagistic simulation in scientific thought experiments
"What if...": The use of conceptual simulations in scientific reasoning
Galileo and the indispensability of scientific thought experiment
Against simulation: the argument from error
Why the child's theory of mind really is a theory
In defense of the simulation theory
Folk psychology: simulation or tacit theory?
The simulation theory: objections and misconceptions
Representational momentum and related displacements in spatial memory: a review of the findings
Representational momentum
Visual perception and interception of falling objects: a review of evidence for an internal model of gravity
Physical imagery: kinematic versus dynamic models
Representing statics as forces in equilibrium
The experience of force: the role of haptic experience of forces in visual perception of object motion and interactions, mental simulation, and motion-related judgments
Prediction precedes control in motor learning
Internal models for motor control and trajectory planning
Temporal and kinematic properties of motor behavior reflected in mentally simulated action
Kinematic mental simulations in abduction and deduction
Inference with mental models
Qualitative modeling
Qualitative simulation
Embodied language: a review of the role of the motor system in language comprehension
Spatial and linguistic aspects of visual imagery in sentence comprehension
Fictive motion as cognitive simulation
On discriminative vs. generative classifiers: a comparison of logistic regression and naive Bayes
Whatever next? Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science
The role of generative knowledge in object perception
The Helmholtz machine
Learning compound multi-step controllers under unknown dynamics
Learning contact-rich manipulation skills with guided policy search
The simulation heuristic
The future of memory: remembering, imagining, and the brain
Are things that are hard to physically move also hard to imagine moving?
The emulation theory of representation: motor control, imagery, and perception
Explorations of a creative visual synthesis in mental imagery
Aspects of a cognitive neuroscience of mental imagery
Eye fixations and cognitive processes
Mental rotation of three-dimensional objects
Robust Adaptive Markov Decision Processes
Model-free probabilistic movement primitives for physical interaction
Stabilizing novel objects by learning to predict tactile slip
Learning force-based manipulations of deformable objects from multiple demonstrations
Learning from demonstrations through the use of non-rigid registration
Model-based Bayesian reinforcement learning in large structured domains
The scope and limits of simulation in automated reasoning
Model-based reinforcement learning with parametrized physical models and optimism-driven exploration
Physics-based trajectory optimization for grasping in cluttered environments
Detecting potential falling objects by inferring human action and natural disturbance
Tracking deformable objects with point clouds
Model learning for robot control: a survey
Robust physics-based locomotion using low-dimensional planning
Seeing physics, or: physics is for prediction
Mental models
Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
Demo: Bayes-Adaptive Monte-Carlo Tree Search
Scalable and efficient Bayes-adaptive reinforcement learning based on Monte-Carlo tree search
Model based Bayesian exploration
A survey of Monte Carlo Tree Search methods
Concerning the perceptions in general
Hypothesis on the nature of thought
Speech recognition: a model and a program for research
Analysis by synthesis: A (re-)emerging program of research for language and vision
Vision as Bayesian inference: analysis by synthesis?
Humans integrate visual and haptic information in a statistically optimal fashion
Bayesian integration in sensorimotor learning
Demo: Motion illusions as optimal percepts
Motion illusions as optimal percepts
Pure reasoning in 12-month-old infants as probabilistic inference
How to grow a mind: statistics, structure, and abstraction
Bayesian learning theory applied to human cognition
The discovery of structural form
Probabilistic models of cognition: exploring representations and inductive biases
Optimal predictions in everyday cognition
Generalization, similarity, and Bayesian inference
Ten years of the rational analysis of cognition
The philosophy and the approach
Introduction to "The Adaptive Character of Thought"
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