Guez, A., Silver, D., & Dayan, P. (2013). Scalable and efficient Bayes-adaptive reinforcement learning based on Monte-Carlo tree search. Journal Of Artificial Intelligence Research, 48, 841–883. doi:10.1613/jair.4117

import time
import numpy as np

from math import sqrt, log
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict

First, I implemented an abstract base class for running BAMCP:

class BAMCP(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):

    actions = None
    states = None
    max_reward = None

    def __init__(self, discount=0.95, epsilon=0.5, exploration=3): = discount
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.exploration = exploration

        self.N = None
        self.Q = None

    def mdp_dist(self, history):
        """Sampling distribution for MDPs. Must be overwritten by subclasses."""

    def reward_func(self, state, action, mdp):
        """Reward function for the given state/action. Must be overwritten
        by subclasses."""

    def transition_func(self, state, action, mdp):
        """Transition function for the given state/action. Must be overwritten
        by subclasses."""

    def valid_actions(self, state, mdp):
        """Returns a list of valid actions that can be taken in the given
        state. Must be overwritten by subclasses."""

    def rollout_policy(self, state, history, mdp):
        """Uniform rollout policy."""
        actions = self.valid_actions(state, mdp)
        if len(actions) == 0:
            return None
            return np.random.choice(actions)

    def tree_policy(self, state, history, mdp):
        """UCT tree policy."""
        actions = self.valid_actions(state, mdp)
        if len(actions) == 0:
            return None
        elif len(actions) == 1:
            return actions[0]

        N = self.N[(state, history)]
        values = np.empty(len(actions))
        for i in range(len(actions)):
            Q = self.Q[(state, history)][actions[i]]
            Ni = self.N[(state, history, actions[i])]
            if Ni == 0:
                values[i] = np.inf
                values[i] = Q + self.exploration * sqrt(log(N / Ni))

        return np.random.choice(actions[values == np.max(values)])

    def value_func(self, state, history):
        """Returns the value of the given state, as well as the best action to take."""
        actions = list(self.Q[(state, history)].keys())
        values = np.empty(len(actions))
        for i in range(len(actions)):
            values[i] = self.Q[(state, history)][actions[i]]

        if len(actions) == 1:
            return values[0], actions[0]

        idx = np.random.choice(np.nonzero(values == np.max(values))[0])
        return values[idx], actions[idx]

    def search(self, state, history, max_time=1):
        """Run a search from the root of the tree. Return the value of the root
        and the next action to take.

        self.N = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        self.Q = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0))

        t = time.time()
        while (time.time() - t) < max_time:
            self.simulate(state, history, self.mdp_dist(history))

        return self.value_func(state, history)

    def rollout(self, state, history, mdp, depth):
        """Execute a rollout simulation from a leaf node in the tree."""

        if state is None:
            return 0
        if ( ** depth * self.max_reward) < self.epsilon:
            return 0

        action = self.rollout_policy(state, history, mdp)
        new_state = self.transition_func(state, action, mdp)
        new_history = history + ((state, action, new_state),)

        curr_reward = self.reward_func(state, action, mdp)
        future_reward = self.rollout(new_state, new_history, mdp, depth + 1)
        reward = curr_reward + * future_reward

        return reward

    def simulate(self, state, history, mdp, depth=0):
        """Simulate an episode from the given state, following the tree policy
        until a leaf node is reached, at which point the rollout policy is used.


        if state is None:
            return 0
        if ( ** depth * self.max_reward) < self.epsilon:
            return 0

        # leaf node
        if self.N[(state, history)] == 0:
            action = self.rollout_policy(state, history, mdp)
            new_state = self.transition_func(state, action, mdp)
            new_history = history + ((state, action, new_state),)

            curr_reward = self.reward_func(state, action, mdp)
            future_reward = self.rollout(new_state, new_history, mdp, depth)
            reward = curr_reward + * future_reward

            self.N[(state, history)] = 1
            self.N[(state, history, action)] = 1
            self.Q[(state, history)][action] = reward

        # non-leaf node
            action = self.tree_policy(state, history, mdp)
            new_state = self.transition_func(state, action, mdp)
            new_history = history + ((state, action, new_state),)

            curr_reward = self.reward_func(state, action, mdp)
            future_reward = self.simulate(new_state, new_history, mdp, depth + 1)
            reward = curr_reward + * future_reward

            self.N[(state, history)] += 1
            self.N[(state, history, action)] += 1

            dQ = (reward - self.Q[(state, history)][action]) / self.N[(state, history, action)]
            self.Q[(state, history)][action] += dQ

        return reward

We can test out the BAMCP base class on the toy problem given in Section 3.1.1 (page 855) of Guez et al.:

class ToyBAMCP(BAMCP):

    actions = np.array([0, 1])
    states = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    max_reward = 2

    def __init__(self, p, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ToyBAMCP, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.p = p

        self.MDP1 = np.zeros((6, 2, 6))
        self.MDP1[0, 1, 5] = 1
        self.MDP1[0, 0, 1] = 0.8
        self.MDP1[0, 0, 2] = 0.2
        self.MDP1[1, 0, 3] = 1
        self.MDP1[1, 1, 4] = 1
        self.MDP1[2, 0, 4] = 1
        self.MDP1[2, 1, 3] = 1

        self.MDP2 = np.zeros((6, 2, 6))
        self.MDP2[0, 1, 5] = 1
        self.MDP2[0, 0, 1] = 0.2
        self.MDP2[0, 0, 2] = 0.8
        self.MDP2[1, 0, 4] = 1
        self.MDP2[1, 1, 3] = 1
        self.MDP2[2, 0, 3] = 1
        self.MDP2[2, 1, 4] = 1

    def mdp_dist(self, history):
        p1 = self.p
        p2 = 1 - self.p
        for sas in history:
            p1 *= self.MDP1[sas]
            p2 *= self.MDP2[sas]

        Z = p1 + p2
        p1 = p1 / Z
        p2 = p2 / Z

        if np.random.rand() < p1:
            return self.MDP1
            return self.MDP2

    def reward_func(self, state, action, mdp):
        if state == 3:
            return 2
        elif state == 4:
            return -2
            return 0

    def transition_func(self, state, action, mdp):
        p = mdp[state, action]
        if (p == 0).all():
            return None
        return np.random.choice(self.states, p=p)

    def valid_actions(self, state, mdp):
        ok = ~((mdp[state] == 0).all(axis=1))
        if not ok.any():
            return np.array([])
            return self.actions[ok]

Now that we have our toy BAMCP, create an instance of it where both MDPs have equal prior probability:

planner = ToyBAMCP(0.5)

Run the planner from the first state, $s=0$:

state = 0
history = tuple(), history)
(0.64245762711864185, 0)

Take the action ($a=0$) recommended by the previous search, and run the planner from the next state ($s=1$):

state = 1
history = ((0, 0, 1),), history)
(1.1482566953006605, 0)

Again take the recommended action ($a=0$), and run the planner from the next state ($s=1$), finding that this is a terminal state:

state = 3
history = ((0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 3)), history)
(2.0, None)