Bayesian Quadrature (BQ) object

class, l, **options)[source]

Bases: object

Estimate an integral of the following form using Bayesian Quadrature with a Gaussian Process prior:

\[Z = \int \ell(x)\mathcal{N}(x\ |\ \mu, \sigma^2)\ \mathrm{d}x\]

See load_options for details on allowable options.

Parameters :

x : numpy.ndarray

size \(s\) array of sample locations

l : numpy.ndarray

size \(s\) array of sample observations

options : dict

Options dictionary


This algorithm is an updated version of the one described in [OD12]. The overall idea is:

  1. Estimate \(\log\ell\) using a GP.
  2. Estimate \(\bar{\ell}=\exp(\log\ell)\) using second GP.
  3. Integrate exactly under \(\bar{\ell}\).

Computes the mean of \(Z\), which is defined as:

\[\mathbb{E}[Z]=\int \bar{\ell}(x)p(x)\ \mathrm{d}x\]
Returns :mean : float

Computes the variance of \(Z\), which is defined as:

\[\mathbb{V}(Z)\approx \int\int \mathrm{Cov}_{\log\ell}(x, x^\prime)\bar{\ell}(x)\bar{\ell}(x^\prime)p(x)p(x^\prime)\ \mathrm{d}x\ \mathrm{d}x^\prime\]
Returns :var : float
add_observation(x_a, l_a)[source]
choose_next(x_a, n, params, plot=False)[source]

Computes the expected variance of \(Z\) given a new observation \(x_a\). This is defined as:

\[\mathbb{E}[V(Z)\ |\ \ell_s, \ell_a] = \mathbb{E}[Z\ |\ \ell_s]^2 + V(Z\ |\ \ell_s) - \int \mathbb{E}[Z\ |\ \ell_s, \ell_a]^2 \mathcal{N}(\ell_a\ |\ \hat{m}_a, \hat{C}_a)\ \mathrm{d}\ell_a\]
Parameters :

x_a : numpy.ndarray

vector of points for which to (independently) compute the expected variance

Returns :

out : expected variance for each point in x_a


Computes the expected mean of \(Z\) given a new observation \(x_a\).

Parameters :

x_a : numpy.ndarray

vector of points for which to (independently) compute the expected mean

Returns :

out : expected mean for each point in x_a


Computes the expected square mean of \(Z\) given a new observation \(x_a\). This is defined as:

\[\mathbb{E}[\mathbb{E}[Z]^2 |\ \ell_s] = \int \mathbb{E}[Z\ |\ \ell_s, \ell_a]^2 \mathcal{N}(\ell_a\ |\ \hat{m}_a, \hat{C}_a)\ \mathrm{d}\ell_a\]
Parameters :

x_a : numpy.ndarray

vector of points for which to (independently) compute the expected squared mean

Returns :

out : expected squared mean for each point in x_a


Computes the expected squared mean and expected mean of \(Z\) given a new observation \(x_a\).

Parameters :

x_a : numpy.ndarray

vector of points for which to (independently) compute the expected mean

Returns :

out : expected squared mean and expected mean for each point

in x_a

gp_l = None

Gaussian process over exp(log(l))

gp_log_l = None

Gaussian process over log(l)

init(params_tl, params_l)[source]

Initialize the GPs.

Parameters :

params_tl : np.ndarray

initial parameters for GP over \(\log\ell\)

params_l : np.ndarray

initial parameters for GP over \(\exp(\log\ell)\)

l_c = None

Vector of candidate values


Mean of the final approximation to \(\ell\).

Parameters :

x : numpy.ndarray

\(m\) array of new sample locations.

Returns :

mean : numpy.ndarray

\(m\) array of predictive means


This is just the mean of the GP over \(\exp(\log\ell)\), i.e.:

\[\mathbb{E}[\bar{\ell}(\mathbf{x})] = \mathbb{E}_{\mathrm{GP}(\exp(\log\ell))}(\mathbf{x})\]
l_s = None

Vector of observed values

l_sc = None

Vector of observed plus candidate values


Marginal variance of the final approximation to \(\ell\).

Parameters :

x : numpy.ndarray

\(m\) array of new sample locations.

Returns :

mean : numpy.ndarray

\(m\) array of predictive variances


This is just the diagonal of the covariance of the GP over \(\log\ell\) multiplied by the squared mean of the GP over \(\exp(\log\ell)\), i.e.:

\[\mathbb{V}[\bar{\ell}(\mathbf{x})] = \mathbb{V}_{\mathrm{GP}(\log\ell)}(\mathbf{x})\mathbb{E}_{\mathrm{GP}(\exp(\log\ell))}(\mathbf{x})^2\]
load_options(kernel, n_candidate, candidate_thresh, x_mean, x_var, optim_method)[source]

Load options.

Parameters :

kernel : Kernel

The type of kernel to use. Note that if the kernel is not Gaussian, slow approximate (rather than analytic) solutions will be used.

n_candidate : int

The (maximum) number of candidate points.

candidate_thresh : float

Minimum allowed space between candidates.

x_mean : float

Prior mean, \(\mu\).

x_var : float

Prior variance, \(\sigma^2\).

optim_method : string

Method to use for parameter optimization (e.g., ‘L-BFGS-B’ or ‘Powell’)

marginalize(funs, n, params)[source]

Compute the approximate marginal functions funs by approximately marginalizing over the GP hyperparameters.

Parameters :

funs : list

List of functions for which to compute the marginal.

n : int

Number of samples to take when doing the approximate marginalization

params : list or tuple

List of parameters to marginalize over

nc = None

Number of candidate points

ns = None

Number of observations

nsc = None

Number of observations plus candidates

plot(f_l=None, xmin=None, xmax=None)[source]
plot_expected_squared_mean(ax, xmin=None, xmax=None)[source]
plot_expected_variance(ax, xmin=None, xmax=None)[source]
plot_gp_l(ax, f_l=None, xmin=None, xmax=None)[source]
plot_gp_log_l(ax, f_l=None, xmin=None, xmax=None)[source]
plot_l(ax, f_l=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, legend=True)[source]
sample_hypers(params, n=1, nburn=10)[source]

Use slice sampling to samples new hyperparameters for the two GPs. Note that this will probably cause \(\bar{ell}(x_{sc})\) to change.

Parameters :

params : list of strings

Dictionary of parameter names to be sampled

nburn : int

Number of burn-in samples

tl_s = None

Vector of log-transformed observed values

x_c = None

Vector of candidate locations

x_s = None

Vector of observed locations

x_sc = None

Vector of observed plus candidate locations

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