Source code for

import numpy as np
import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from gp import GP, GaussianKernel, PeriodicKernel

from . import bq_c
from . import linalg_c as la
from . import util

logger = logging.getLogger("bayesian_quadrature")
DTYPE = np.dtype('float64')
MIN = np.log(np.exp2(np.float64(np.finfo(np.float64).minexp + 4)))
MAX = np.log(np.exp2(np.float64(np.finfo(np.float64).maxexp - 4)))

[docs]class BQ(object): r""" Estimate an integral of the following form using Bayesian Quadrature with a Gaussian Process prior: .. math:: Z = \int \ell(x)\mathcal{N}(x\ |\ \mu, \sigma^2)\ \mathrm{d}x See :meth:`` for details on allowable options. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray size :math:`s` array of sample locations l : numpy.ndarray size :math:`s` array of sample observations options : dict Options dictionary Notes ----- This algorithm is an updated version of the one described in [OD12]_. The overall idea is: 1. Estimate :math:`\log\ell` using a GP. 2. Estimate :math:`\bar{\ell}=\exp(\log\ell)` using second GP. 3. Integrate exactly under :math:`\bar{\ell}`. """ ################################################################## # Initialization # ################################################################## def __init__(self, x, l, **options): """Initialize the Bayesian Quadrature object.""" #: Vector of observed locations self.x_s = np.array(x, dtype=DTYPE) #: Vector of observed values self.l_s = np.array(l, dtype=DTYPE) if (self.l_s <= 0).any(): raise ValueError("l_s contains zero or negative values") if self.x_s.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("invalid number of dimensions for x") if self.l_s.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("invalid number of dimensions for l") if self.x_s.shape != self.l_s.shape: raise ValueError("shape mismatch for x and l") #: Vector of log-transformed observed values self.tl_s = np.log(self.l_s) #: Number of observations self.ns = self.x_s.shape[0] self.load_options(**options) self.initialized = False self.gp_log_l = None #: Gaussian process over log(l) self.gp_l = None #: Gaussian process over exp(log(l)) self.x_c = None #: Vector of candidate locations self.l_c = None #: Vector of candidate values = None #: Number of candidate points self.x_sc = None #: Vector of observed plus candidate locations self.l_sc = None #: Vector of observed plus candidate values self.nsc = None #: Number of observations plus candidates self._approx_x = None self._approx_px = None
[docs] def load_options(self, kernel, n_candidate, candidate_thresh, x_mean, x_var, optim_method): r""" Load options. Parameters ---------- kernel : Kernel The type of kernel to use. Note that if the kernel is not Gaussian, slow approximate (rather than analytic) solutions will be used. n_candidate : int The (maximum) number of candidate points. candidate_thresh : float Minimum allowed space between candidates. x_mean : float Prior mean, :math:`\mu`. x_var : float Prior variance, :math:`\sigma^2`. optim_method : string Method to use for parameter optimization (e.g., 'L-BFGS-B' or 'Powell') """ # store the options dictionary for future use self.options = { 'kernel': kernel, 'n_candidate': int(n_candidate), 'candidate_thresh': float(candidate_thresh), 'x_mean': np.array([x_mean], dtype=DTYPE, order='F'), 'x_cov': np.array([[x_var]], dtype=DTYPE, order='F'), 'use_approx': not (kernel is GaussianKernel), 'wrapped': kernel is PeriodicKernel, 'optim_method': optim_method } if self.options['use_approx']: logger.debug("Using approximate solutions for non-Gaussian kernel")
[docs] def init(self, params_tl, params_l): """Initialize the GPs. Parameters ---------- params_tl : np.ndarray initial parameters for GP over :math:`\log\ell` params_l : np.ndarray initial parameters for GP over :math:`\exp(\log\ell)` """ kernel = self.options['kernel'] # create the gaussian process over log(l) self.gp_log_l = GP( kernel(*params_tl[:-1]), self.x_s, self.tl_s, s=params_tl[-1]) # TODO: improve matrix conditioning for log(l) self.gp_log_l.jitter = np.zeros(self.ns, dtype=DTYPE) # pick candidate points self._choose_candidates() # create the gaussian process over exp(log(l)) self.gp_l = GP( kernel(*params_l[:-1]), self.x_sc, self.l_sc, s=params_l[-1]) # TODO: improve matrix conditioning for exp(log(l)) self.gp_l.jitter = np.zeros(self.nsc, dtype=DTYPE) # make the vector of locations for approximations self._approx_x = self._make_approx_x() self._approx_px = self._make_approx_px() self.initialized = True ################################################################## # Mean and variance of l # ##################################################################
[docs] def l_mean(self, x): r""" Mean of the final approximation to :math:`\ell`. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray :math:`m` array of new sample locations. Returns ------- mean : numpy.ndarray :math:`m` array of predictive means Notes ----- This is just the mean of the GP over :math:`\exp(\log\ell)`, i.e.: .. math:: \mathbb{E}[\bar{\ell}(\mathbf{x})] = \mathbb{E}_{\mathrm{GP}(\exp(\log\ell))}(\mathbf{x}) """ return self.gp_l.mean(x)
[docs] def l_var(self, x): r""" Marginal variance of the final approximation to :math:`\ell`. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray :math:`m` array of new sample locations. Returns ------- mean : numpy.ndarray :math:`m` array of predictive variances Notes ----- This is just the diagonal of the covariance of the GP over :math:`\log\ell` multiplied by the squared mean of the GP over :math:`\exp(\log\ell)`, i.e.: .. math:: \mathbb{V}[\bar{\ell}(\mathbf{x})] = \mathbb{V}_{\mathrm{GP}(\log\ell)}(\mathbf{x})\mathbb{E}_{\mathrm{GP}(\exp(\log\ell))}(\mathbf{x})^2 """ v_log_l = np.diag(self.gp_log_l.cov(x)).copy() m_l = self.gp_l.mean(x) l_var = v_log_l * m_l ** 2 l_var[l_var < 0] = 0 return l_var ################################################################## # Mean of Z # ##################################################################
[docs] def Z_mean(self): r""" Computes the mean of :math:`Z`, which is defined as: .. math :: \mathbb{E}[Z]=\int \bar{\ell}(x)p(x)\ \mathrm{d}x Returns ------- mean : float """ if self.options['use_approx']: return self._approx_Z_mean() else: return self._exact_Z_mean()
def _approx_Z_mean(self, xo=None): if xo is None: xo = self._approx_x p_xo = self._approx_px else: p_xo = self._make_approx_px(xo) approx = bq_c.approx_Z_mean( np.array(xo[None], order='F'), p_xo, self.l_mean(xo)) return approx def _exact_Z_mean(self): r""" Equivalent to: .. math:: \begin{align*} \mathbb{E}[Z]&\approx \int\bar{\ell}(x)\mathcal{N}(x\ |\ \mu, \sigma^2)\ \mathrm{d}x \\ &= \left(\int K_{\exp(\log\ell)}(x, \mathbf{x}_c)\mathcal{N}(x\ |\ \mu, \sigma^2)\ \mathrm{d}x\right)K_{\exp(\log\ell)}(\mathbf{x}_c, \mathbf{x}_c)^{-1}\ell(\mathbf{x}_c) \end{align*} """ x_sc = np.array(self.x_sc[None], order='F') alpha_l = self.gp_l.inv_Kxx_y h_s, w_s = self.gp_l.K.params w_s = np.array([w_s], order='F') m_Z = bq_c.Z_mean( x_sc, alpha_l, h_s, w_s, self.options['x_mean'], self.options['x_cov']) return m_Z ################################################################## # Variance of Z # ##################################################################
[docs] def Z_var(self): r""" Computes the variance of :math:`Z`, which is defined as: .. math:: \mathbb{V}(Z)\approx \int\int \mathrm{Cov}_{\log\ell}(x, x^\prime)\bar{\ell}(x)\bar{\ell}(x^\prime)p(x)p(x^\prime)\ \mathrm{d}x\ \mathrm{d}x^\prime Returns ------- var : float """ if self.options['use_approx']: return self._approx_Z_var() else: return self._exact_Z_var()
def _approx_Z_var(self, xo=None): if xo is None: xo = self._approx_x p_xo = self._approx_px else: p_xo = self._make_approx_px(xo) approx = bq_c.approx_Z_var( np.array(xo[None], order='F'), p_xo, np.array(self.l_mean(xo), order='F'), np.array(self.gp_log_l.cov(xo), order='F')) return approx def _exact_Z_var(self): # values for the GPs over l(x) and log(l(x)) x_s = np.array(self.x_s[None], order='F') x_sc = np.array(self.x_sc[None], order='F') alpha_l = self.gp_l.inv_Kxx_y L_tl = np.array(self.gp_log_l.Lxx, order='F') h_l, w_l = self.gp_l.K.params w_l = np.array([w_l]) h_tl, w_tl = self.gp_log_l.K.params w_tl = np.array([w_tl]) V_Z = bq_c.Z_var( x_s, x_sc, alpha_l, L_tl, h_l, w_l, h_tl, w_tl, self.options['x_mean'], self.options['x_cov']) return V_Z ################################################################## # Expected variance of Z # ##################################################################
[docs] def expected_Z_var(self, x_a): r""" Computes the expected variance of :math:`Z` given a new observation :math:`x_a`. This is defined as: .. math :: \mathbb{E}[V(Z)\ |\ \ell_s, \ell_a] = \mathbb{E}[Z\ |\ \ell_s]^2 + V(Z\ |\ \ell_s) - \int \mathbb{E}[Z\ |\ \ell_s, \ell_a]^2 \mathcal{N}(\ell_a\ |\ \hat{m}_a, \hat{C}_a)\ \mathrm{d}\ell_a Parameters ---------- x_a : numpy.ndarray vector of points for which to (independently) compute the expected variance Returns ------- out : expected variance for each point in `x_a` """ mean_second_moment = self.Z_mean() ** 2 + self.Z_var() expected_squared_mean = self.expected_squared_mean(x_a) expected_var = mean_second_moment - expected_squared_mean return expected_var
[docs] def expected_squared_mean(self, x_a): r""" Computes the expected square mean of :math:`Z` given a new observation :math:`x_a`. This is defined as: .. math :: \mathbb{E}[\mathbb{E}[Z]^2 |\ \ell_s] = \int \mathbb{E}[Z\ |\ \ell_s, \ell_a]^2 \mathcal{N}(\ell_a\ |\ \hat{m}_a, \hat{C}_a)\ \mathrm{d}\ell_a Parameters ---------- x_a : numpy.ndarray vector of points for which to (independently) compute the expected squared mean Returns ------- out : expected squared mean for each point in `x_a` """ esm = np.empty(x_a.shape[0]) for i in xrange(x_a.shape[0]): esm[i] = self._esm_and_em(x_a[[i]])[0] return esm
[docs] def expected_mean(self, x_a): r""" Computes the expected mean of :math:`Z` given a new observation :math:`x_a`. Parameters ---------- x_a : numpy.ndarray vector of points for which to (independently) compute the expected mean Returns ------- out : expected mean for each point in `x_a` """ em = np.empty(x_a.shape[0]) for i in xrange(x_a.shape[0]): em[i] = self._esm_and_em(x_a[[i]])[1] return em
[docs] def expected_squared_mean_and_mean(self, x_a): r""" Computes the expected squared mean and expected mean of :math:`Z` given a new observation :math:`x_a`. Parameters ---------- x_a : numpy.ndarray vector of points for which to (independently) compute the expected mean Returns ------- out : expected squared mean and expected mean for each point in `x_a` """ em = np.empty((x_a.shape[0], 2)) for i in xrange(x_a.shape[0]): em[i] = self._esm_and_em(x_a[[i]]) return em
def _esm_and_em(self, x_a): """Computes the expected square mean for a single point `x_a`.""" # check for invalid inputs if x_a is None or np.isnan(x_a) or np.isinf(x_a): raise ValueError("invalid value for x_a: %s", x_a) # don't do the heavy computation if the point is close to one # we already have if np.isclose(x_a, self.x_s, atol=1e-4).any(): em = self.Z_mean() esm = em ** 2 return esm, em # include new x_a x_sca = np.concatenate([self.x_sc, x_a]) # compute K_l(x_sca, x_sca) K_l = self.gp_l.Kxoxo(x_sca) jitter = np.zeros(self.nsc + 1) # add noise to the candidate points closest to x_a, since they # are likely to change close = np.abs(self.x_c - x_a) < self.options['candidate_thresh'] if close.any(): idx = np.array(np.nonzero(close)[0]) + self.ns bq_c.improve_covariance_conditioning(K_l, jitter, idx) # also add noise to the new point bq_c.improve_covariance_conditioning(K_l, jitter, np.array([self.nsc])) L = np.empty(K_l.shape, order='F') try: la.cho_factor(np.array(K_l, order='F'), L) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # if the matrix is singular, it's because either x_a is # close to a point we already have, or the kernel produces # similar values for all points (e.g., there is a very # large variance). In both cases, out expectation should # be that the mean won't change much, so just return the # mean we currently have. em = self.Z_mean() esm = em ** 2 return esm, em # compute expected transformed mean tm_a = np.array(self.gp_log_l.mean(x_a)) # compute expected transformed covariance tC_a = np.array(self.gp_log_l.cov(x_a), order='F') if self.options['use_approx']: xo = self._approx_x p_xo = self._approx_px Kxxo = np.array(self.gp_l.K(x_sca, xo), order='F') esm, em = bq_c.approx_expected_squared_mean_and_mean( self.l_sc, L, tm_a, tC_a, np.array(xo[None], order='F'), p_xo, Kxxo) else: esm, em = bq_c.expected_squared_mean_and_mean( self.l_sc, L, tm_a, tC_a, np.array(x_sca[None], order='F'), self.gp_l.K.h, np.array([self.gp_l.K.w]), self.options['x_mean'], np.array(self.options['x_cov'], order='F')) if np.isnan(esm) or esm < 0: raise RuntimeError( "invalid expected squared mean for x_a=%s: %s" % ( x_a, esm)) if np.isnan(em): raise RuntimeError( "invalid expected mean for x_a=%s: %s" % (x_a, em)) if np.isinf(esm): logger.warn("expected squared mean for x_a=%s is infinity!", x_a) if np.isinf(em): logger.warn("expected mean for x_a=%s is infinity!", x_a) return esm, em ################################################################## # Hyperparameter optimization/marginalization # ################################################################## def _make_llh_params(self, params): nparam = len(params) def f(x): if x is None or np.isnan(x).any(): return -np.inf try: self._set_gp_log_l_params(dict(zip(params, x[:nparam]))) self._set_gp_l_params(dict(zip(params, x[nparam:]))) except (ValueError, np.linalg.LinAlgError): return -np.inf try: llh = self.gp_log_l.log_lh + self.gp_l.log_lh except (ValueError, np.linalg.LinAlgError): return -np.inf return llh return f
[docs] def fit_hypers(self, params): p0_tl = [self.gp_log_l.get_param(p) for p in params] p0_l = [self.gp_l.get_param(p) for p in params] p0 = np.array(p0_tl + p0_l) f = self._make_llh_params(params) p0 = util.find_good_parameters(f, p0, self.options['optim_method']) if p0 is None: raise RuntimeError("couldn't find good parameters")
[docs] def sample_hypers(self, params, n=1, nburn=10): r""" Use slice sampling to samples new hyperparameters for the two GPs. Note that this will probably cause :math:`\bar{ell}(x_{sc})` to change. Parameters ---------- params : list of strings Dictionary of parameter names to be sampled nburn : int Number of burn-in samples """ # TODO: should the window be a parameter that is set by the # user? is there a way to choose a sane window size # automatically? nparam = len(params) window = 2 * nparam p0_tl = [self.gp_log_l.get_param(p) for p in params] p0_l = [self.gp_l.get_param(p) for p in params] p0 = np.array(p0_tl + p0_l) f = self._make_llh_params(params) if f(p0) < MIN: pn = util.find_good_parameters(f, p0, self.options['optim_method']) if pn is None: raise RuntimeError("couldn't find good starting parameters") p0 = pn hypers = util.slice_sample(f, nburn+n, window, p0, nburn=nburn, freq=1) return hypers[:, :nparam], hypers[:, nparam:] ################################################################## # Active sampling # ##################################################################
[docs] def marginalize(self, funs, n, params): r""" Compute the approximate marginal functions `funs` by approximately marginalizing over the GP hyperparameters. Parameters ---------- funs : list List of functions for which to compute the marginal. n : int Number of samples to take when doing the approximate marginalization params : list or tuple List of parameters to marginalize over """ # cache state state = deepcopy(self.__getstate__()) # allocate space for the function values values = [] for fun in funs: value = fun() try: m = value.shape except AttributeError: values.append(np.empty(n)) else: values.append(np.empty((n,) + m)) # do all the sampling at once, because it is faster hypers_tl, hypers_l = self.sample_hypers(params, n=n, nburn=1) # compute values for the functions based on the parameters we # just sampled for i in xrange(n): params_tl = dict(zip(params, hypers_tl[i])) params_l = dict(zip(params, hypers_l[i])) self._set_gp_log_l_params(params_tl) self._set_gp_l_params(params_l) for j, fun in enumerate(funs): try: values[j][i] = fun() except: logger.error( "error with parameters %s and %s", params_tl, params_l) raise # restore state self.__setstate__(state) return values
[docs] def choose_next(self, x_a, n, params, plot=False): f = lambda: -self.expected_squared_mean(x_a) values = self.marginalize([f], n, params) loss = values[0].mean(axis=0) best = np.min(loss) close = np.nonzero(np.isclose(loss, best))[0] choice = np.random.choice(close) best = x_a[choice] if plot: fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True) self.plot_l(ax1, xmin=x_a.min(), xmax=x_a.max()) util.vlines(ax1, best, color='g', linestyle='--', lw=2) ax2.plot(x_a, loss, 'k-', lw=2) util.vlines(ax2, best, color='g', linestyle='--', lw=2) ax2.set_title("Negative expected sq. mean") fig.set_figwidth(10) fig.set_figheight(3.5) return best
[docs] def add_observation(self, x_a, l_a): diffs = np.abs(x_a - self.x_s) if diffs.min() < self.options['candidate_thresh']: c = diffs.argmin() logger.debug( "x_a=%s is close to x_s=%s, averaging them", x_a, self.x_s[c]) self.x_s[c] = (self.x_s[c] + x_a) / 2. self.l_s[c] = (self.l_s[c] + l_a) / 2. self.tl_s[c] = np.log(float(self.l_s[c])) else: self.x_s = np.append(self.x_s, float(x_a)) self.l_s = np.append(self.l_s, float(l_a)) self.tl_s = np.append(self.tl_s, np.log(float(l_a))) self.ns += 1 # reinitialize the bq object self.init(self.gp_log_l.params, self.gp_l.params) ################################################################## # Plotting methods # ##################################################################
[docs] def plot_gp_log_l(self, ax, f_l=None, xmin=None, xmax=None): x = self._make_approx_x(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, n=1000) if f_l is not None: l = np.log(f_l(x)) ax.plot(x, l, 'k-', lw=2) self.gp_log_l.plot(ax, xlim=[x.min(), x.max()], color='r') ax.plot( self.x_c, np.log(self.l_c), 'bs', markersize=4, label="$m_{\log\ell}(x_c)$") ax.set_title(r"GP over $\log\ell$") util.set_scientific(ax, -5, 4)
[docs] def plot_gp_l(self, ax, f_l=None, xmin=None, xmax=None): x = self._make_approx_x(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, n=1000) if f_l is not None: l = f_l(x) ax.plot(x, l, 'k-', lw=2) self.gp_l.plot(ax, xlim=[x.min(), x.max()], color='r') ax.plot( self.x_c, self.l_c, 'bs', markersize=4, label="$\exp(m_{\log\ell}(x_c))$") ax.set_title(r"GP over $\exp(\log\ell)$") util.set_scientific(ax, -5, 4)
[docs] def plot_l(self, ax, f_l=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, legend=True): x = self._make_approx_x(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, n=1000) if f_l is not None: l = f_l(x) ax.plot(x, l, 'k-', lw=2, label="$\ell(x)$") l_mean = self.l_mean(x) l_var = np.sqrt(self.l_var(x)) lower = l_mean - l_var upper = l_mean + l_var ax.fill_between(x, lower, upper, color='r', alpha=0.2) ax.plot( x, l_mean, 'r-', lw=2, label="final approx") ax.plot( self.x_s, self.l_s, 'ro', markersize=5, label="$\ell(x_s)$") ax.plot( self.x_c, self.l_c, 'bs', markersize=4, label="$\exp(m_{\log\ell}(x_c))$") ax.set_title("Final Approximation") ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max()) util.set_scientific(ax, -5, 4) if legend: ax.legend(loc=0, fontsize=10)
[docs] def plot_expected_squared_mean(self, ax, xmin=None, xmax=None): x_a = self._make_approx_x(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, n=1000) exp_sq_m = self.expected_squared_mean(x_a) # plot the expected variance ax.plot(x_a, exp_sq_m, label=r"$E[\mathrm{m}(Z)^2]$", color='k', lw=2) ax.set_xlim(x_a.min(), x_a.max()) # plot a line for the current variance util.hlines( ax, self.Z_mean() ** 2, color="#00FF00", lw=2, label=r"$\mathrm{m}(Z)^2$") # plot lines where there are observatiosn util.vlines(ax, self.x_sc, color='k', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) util.set_scientific(ax, -5, 4) ax.legend(loc=0, fontsize=10) ax.set_title(r"Expected squared mean of $Z$")
[docs] def plot_expected_variance(self, ax, xmin=None, xmax=None): x_a = self._make_approx_x(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, n=1000) exp_Z_var = self.expected_Z_var(x_a) # plot the expected variance ax.plot(x_a, exp_Z_var, label=r"$E[\mathrm{Var}(Z)]$", color='k', lw=2) ax.set_xlim(x_a.min(), x_a.max()) # plot a line for the current variance util.hlines( ax, self.Z_var(), color="#00FF00", lw=2, label=r"$\mathrm{Var}(Z)$") # plot lines where there are observations util.vlines(ax, self.x_sc, color='k', linestyle='--', alpha=0.5) util.set_scientific(ax, -5, 4) ax.legend(loc=0, fontsize=10) ax.set_title(r"Expected variance of $Z$")
[docs] def plot(self, f_l=None, xmin=None, xmax=None): fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3) self.plot_gp_log_l(axes[0], f_l=f_l, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) self.plot_gp_l(axes[1], f_l=f_l, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) self.plot_l(axes[2], f_l=f_l, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax) ymins, ymaxs = zip(*[ax.get_ylim() for ax in axes[1:]]) ymin = min(ymins) ymax = max(ymaxs) for ax in axes[1:]: ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) fig.set_figwidth(14) fig.set_figheight(3.5) return fig, axes ################################################################## # Saving and restoring # ##################################################################
def __getstate__(self): state = {} state['x_s'] = self.x_s state['l_s'] = self.l_s state['tl_s'] = self.tl_s state['options'] = self.options state['initialized'] = self.initialized if self.initialized: state['gp_log_l'] = self.gp_log_l state['gp_log_l_jitter'] = self.gp_log_l.jitter state['gp_l'] = self.gp_l state['gp_l_jitter'] = self.gp_l.jitter state['_approx_x'] = self._approx_x state['_approx_px'] = self._approx_px return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.x_s = state['x_s'] self.l_s = state['l_s'] self.tl_s = state['tl_s'] self.ns = self.x_s.shape[0] self.options = state['options'] self.initialized = state['initialized'] if self.initialized: self.gp_log_l = state['gp_log_l'] self.gp_log_l.jitter = state['gp_log_l_jitter'] self.gp_l = state['gp_l'] self.gp_l.jitter = state['gp_l_jitter'] self.x_sc = self.gp_l._x self.l_sc = self.gp_l._y self.nsc = self.x_sc.shape[0] self.x_c = self.x_sc[self.ns:] self.l_c = self.l_sc[self.ns:] = self.nsc - self.ns self._approx_x = state['_approx_x'] self._approx_px = state['_approx_px'] else: self.gp_log_l = None self.gp_l = None self.x_c = None self.l_c = None = None self.x_sc = None self.l_sc = None self.nsc = None self._approx_x = None self._approx_px = None ################################################################## # Copying # ################################################################## def __copy__(self): state = self.__getstate__() cls = type(self) bq = cls.__new__(cls) bq.__setstate__(state) return bq def __deepcopy__(self, memo): state = deepcopy(self.__getstate__(), memo) cls = type(self) bq = cls.__new__(cls) bq.__setstate__(state) return bq
[docs] def copy(self, deep=True): if deep: out = deepcopy(self) else: out = copy(self) return out ################################################################## # Helper methods # ##################################################################
def _set_gp_log_l_params(self, params): # set the parameter values for p, v in params.iteritems(): self.gp_log_l.set_param(p, v) # TODO: improve matrix conditioning for log(l) self.gp_log_l.jitter.fill(0) # update values of candidate points m = self.gp_log_l.mean(self.x_c) V = np.diag(self.gp_log_l.cov(self.x_c)).copy() V[V < 0] = 0 tl_c = m + 2 * np.sqrt(V) if (tl_c > MAX).any(): raise np.linalg.LinAlgError("GP mean is too large") self.l_c = np.exp(m) self.l_sc = np.array(np.concatenate([self.l_s, self.l_c])) # update the locations and values for exp(log(l)) self.gp_l.x = self.x_sc self.gp_l.y = self.l_sc # TODO: improve matrix conditioning for exp(log(l)) self.gp_l.jitter.fill(0) def _set_gp_l_params(self, params): # set the parameter values for p, v in params.iteritems(): self.gp_l.set_param(p, v) # TODO: improve matrix conditioning for exp(log(l)) self.gp_l.jitter.fill(0) def _choose_candidates(self): logger.debug("Choosing candidate points") if self.options['wrapped']: xmin = -np.pi * self.gp_log_l.K.p xmax = np.pi * self.gp_log_l.K.p else: xmin = self.x_s.min() - self.gp_log_l.K.w xmax = self.x_s.max() + self.gp_log_l.K.w # compute the candidate points xc = np.random.uniform(xmin, xmax, self.options['n_candidate']) # make sure they don't overlap with points we already have bq_c.filter_candidates(xc, self.x_s, self.options['candidate_thresh']) # save the locations and compute the values self.x_c = np.sort(xc[~np.isnan(xc)]) self.l_c = np.exp(self.gp_log_l.mean(self.x_c)) = self.x_c.shape[0] # concatenate with the observations we already have self.x_sc = np.array(np.concatenate([self.x_s, self.x_c])) self.l_sc = np.array(np.concatenate([self.l_s, self.l_c])) self.nsc = self.ns + def _make_approx_x(self, xmin=None, xmax=None, n=1000): if xmin is None: if self.options['wrapped']: xmin = -np.pi * self.gp_log_l.K.p else: xmin = self.x_sc.min() - self.gp_log_l.K.w if xmax is None: if self.options['wrapped']: xmax = np.pi * self.gp_log_l.K.p else: xmax = self.x_sc.max() + self.gp_log_l.K.w return np.linspace(xmin, xmax, n) def _make_approx_px(self, x=None): if x is None: x = self._approx_x p = np.empty(x.size, order='F') if self.options['wrapped']: bq_c.p_x_vonmises( p, x, float(self.options['x_mean']), 1. / float(self.options['x_cov'])) else: bq_c.p_x_gaussian( p, np.array(x[None], order='F'), self.options['x_mean'], self.options['x_cov']) return p