Source code for dbtools.util

import numpy as np
import sqlite3 as sql

import sys
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    int_types = (int,)
    string_types = (str,)
    blob_type = bytes
    int_types = (int, long)
    string_types = (str, unicode)
    blob_type = buffer

[docs]def dict_to_dtypes(data, order=None): r""" Parses data types from a dictionary or list of dictionaries. The dictionary keys will be paired with the types of the corresponding values, e.g.:: (key, type(data[key])) If there are multiple dictionaries that have the same keys, the value types should be the same across dictionaries (with the exception of NoneType). For example:: dict_to_dtypes(data=[ {'name': 'apple', 'fruit': True, 'tree': True}, {'name': 'tomato', 'fruit': True, 'tree': False}, {'name': 'cucumber', 'fruit': False, 'tree': False} ]) will return:: [('fruit', bool), ('name', str), ('tree', bool)] Parameters ---------- data : dictionary or list of dictionaries Data to extract names and dtypes from. order : list of strings (optional) The order in which to return the dtypes in, by key. If None, the dtypes will be sorted alphabetically by key. Returns ------- dtypes : list of 2-tuples Each tuple in the list has the form (key, dtype) """ # if data is a dictionary, wrap it in a list if hasattr(data, 'keys'): data = [data] # build a dictionary mapping keys to sets of types all_types = {} for x in data: for key in x: if key not in all_types: all_types[key] = set() if x[key] is not None: all_types[key].add(type(x[key])) # make sure we have an ordering if order is None: order = sorted(all_types.keys()) # make sure each key has a datatype associated with it and build # up the list of (key, dtype) tuples types = [] for key in order: t = list(all_types[key]) if len(t) != 1: raise ValueError("could not determine datatype " "of column '%s'" % key) # convert numpy dtypes into native python types tt = type(np.asscalar(np.array([0], dtype=t[0]))) types.append((key, tt)) return types
[docs]def sql_execute(db, cmd, fetchall=False, verbose=False): r""" Execute a SQL command `cmd` in database `db`. Parameters ---------- db : string Path to the SQLite database. cmd : string or list Command to be executed. Specifically, these are parameters to be passed to `sqlite3.Cursor.execute`. See: fetchall : bool (optional) Fetch the result of the command, and return it. verbose : bool (optional) Print the command that is run. Returns ------- result : list or None The result of the executed command, if `fetchall` is True. """ # wrap the command in a list, if it isn't one already if isinstance(cmd, string_types): cmd = [cmd] # connect to the database conn = sql.connect(db) with conn: # get the database cursor cur = conn.cursor() # optionally print the command we're running if verbose: print(", ".join([str(x) for x in cmd])) # run the command cur.execute(*cmd) # optionally get the result if fetchall: result = cur.fetchall() else: result = None return result