Source code for bayesian_quadrature.util

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import logging
import scipy.optimize as optim

from . import bq_c
from .util_c import slice_sample as _slice_sample

logger = logging.getLogger("bayesian_quadrature.util")
DTYPE = np.dtype('float64')
PREC = np.finfo(DTYPE).precision
MIN = np.log(np.exp2(np.float64(np.finfo(np.float64).minexp + 4)))

[docs]def set_scientific(ax, low, high, axis=None): """Set the axes or axis specified by `axis` to use scientific notation for ticklabels, if the value is <10**low or >10**high. Parameters ---------- ax : axis object The matplotlib axis object to use low : int Lower exponent bound for non-scientific notation high : int Upper exponent bound for non-scientific notation axis : str (default=None) Which axis to format ('x', 'y', or None for both) """ # create the tick label formatter fmt = plt.ScalarFormatter() fmt.set_scientific(True) fmt.set_powerlimits((low, high)) # format the x axis if axis is None or axis == 'x': ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(fmt) # format the y axis if axis is None or axis == 'y': ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(fmt)
[docs]def slice_sample(logpdf, niter, w, xval, nburn=1, freq=1): """Draws samples from 'logpdf', optionally starting from 'xval'. The pdf should return log values. Parameters ---------- logpdf : function Target distribution. logpdf(xval) should return ln(Pr(xval)) niter : int Number of iterations to run w : np.ndarray The step by which to adjust the window size. xval : numpy.ndarray The initial starting value. nburn : int (default 1) Number of samples to skip at the beginning freq : int (default 1) How often to record samples """ samples = np.empty((niter, xval.size)) samples[0] = xval # zero means unset, so we don't want to log in that case verbose = (logger.level != 0) and (logger.level < 10) _slice_sample(samples, logpdf, xval, w, verbose) # don't return burnin samples or inbetween samples out = samples[nburn:][::freq] return out
[docs]def vlines(ax, x, **kwargs): ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() ax.vlines(x, ymin, ymax, **kwargs) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
[docs]def hlines(ax, y, **kwargs): xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() ax.hlines(y, xmin, xmax, **kwargs) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
[docs]def improve_conditioning(gp): Kxx = gp.Kxx cond = np.linalg.cond(Kxx) logger.debug("Kxx conditioning number is %s", cond) if hasattr(gp, "jitter"): jitter = gp.jitter else: jitter = np.zeros(Kxx.shape[0], dtype=DTYPE) gp.jitter = jitter # the conditioning is really bad -- just increase the variance # a little for all the elements until it's less bad idx = np.arange(Kxx.shape[0]) while np.log10(cond) > (PREC / 2.0): logger.debug("Adding jitter to all elements") bq_c.improve_covariance_conditioning(Kxx, jitter, idx=idx) cond = np.linalg.cond(Kxx) logger.debug("Kxx conditioning number is now %s", cond) # now improve just for those elements which result in a # negative variance, until there are no more negative elements # in the diagonal gp._memoized = {'Kxx': Kxx} var = np.diag(gp.cov(gp._x)) while (var < 0).any(): idx = np.nonzero(var < 0)[0] logger.debug("Adding jitter to indices %s", idx) bq_c.improve_covariance_conditioning(Kxx, jitter, idx=idx) Kxx = gp.Kxx gp._memoized = {'Kxx': Kxx} var = np.diag(gp.cov(gp._x)) cond = np.linalg.cond(Kxx) logger.debug("Kxx conditioning number is now %s", cond)
[docs]def improve_tail_covariance(gp): Kxx = gp.Kxx gp._memoized = {'Kxx': Kxx} max_jitter = np.diag(Kxx).max() * 1e-2 new_jitter = np.clip(-gp.x * 1e-4, 0, max_jitter) Kxx += np.eye(gp.x.size) * new_jitter gp.jitter += new_jitter
def _anneal(*args, **kwargs): """Hack, because sometimes scipy's anneal function throws a TypeError for no particular reason. So just try again until it works. """ while True: try: res = optim.minimize(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError: pass else: break return res
[docs]def find_good_parameters(logpdf, x0, method, ntry=10): logger.debug("Trying to find good parameters...") for i in xrange(ntry): logger.debug("Attempt #%d with %s", i+1, method) res = optim.minimize( fun=lambda x: -logpdf(x), x0=x0, method=method) logger.debug(res) p = logpdf(res['x']) if p > MIN: return res['x'] if logpdf(x0) < p: x0 = res['x'] return None