Source code for bayesian_quadrature.tests.test_bq_object

import numpy as np
import pytest
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gp import GP

from .. import BQ
from . import util

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("bayesian_quadrature")

options = util.options

[docs]def test_init(): util.npseed() x, y = util.make_xy() bq = BQ(x, y, **options) assert (x == bq.x_s).all() assert (y == bq.l_s).all() assert (np.log(y) == bq.tl_s).all() assert (x.shape[0] == bq.ns) assert not bq.initialized assert bq.gp_log_l is None assert bq.gp_l is None assert bq.x_c is None assert bq.l_c is None assert is None assert bq.x_sc is None assert bq.l_sc is None assert bq.nsc is None assert bq._approx_x is None assert bq._approx_px is None util.init_bq(bq) assert (x == bq.x_s).all() assert (y == bq.l_s).all() assert (np.log(y) == bq.tl_s).all() assert (x.shape[0] == bq.ns) assert bq.initialized assert bq.gp_log_l is not None assert hasattr(bq.gp_log_l, 'jitter') assert bq.gp_l is not None assert hasattr(bq.gp_l, 'jitter') assert bq.x_c is not None assert bq.l_c is not None assert is not None assert bq.x_sc is not None assert bq.l_sc is not None assert bq.nsc is not None assert bq._approx_x is not None assert bq._approx_px is not None
[docs]def test_bad_init(): util.npseed() x, y = util.make_xy() with pytest.raises(ValueError): BQ(x[:, None], y, **options) with pytest.raises(ValueError): BQ(x, y[:, None], **options) with pytest.raises(ValueError): BQ(x[:-1], y, **options) with pytest.raises(ValueError): BQ(x, y[:-1], **options) with pytest.raises(ValueError): BQ(x, -y, **options)
[docs]def test_choose_candidates(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq(nc=1000) assert bq.x_c.ndim == 1 assert bq.x_sc.size >= bq.x_s.size diff = np.abs(bq.x_sc[:, None] - bq.x_c[None]) thresh = bq.options['candidate_thresh'] assert ((diff > thresh) | (diff == 0)).all()
[docs]def test_l_mean(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() l = bq.l_mean(bq.x_s) assert np.allclose(l, bq.l_s, atol=1e-4)
[docs]def test_Z_mean(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() xo = util.make_xo() approx_Z = bq._approx_Z_mean(xo) calc_Z = bq._exact_Z_mean() assert np.allclose(approx_Z, calc_Z, atol=1e-5)
[docs]def test_Z_mean_same(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() means = np.empty(100) for i in xrange(100): means[i] = bq.Z_mean() assert (means[0] == means).all()
[docs]def test_Z_var_same(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() vars = np.empty(100) for i in xrange(100): vars[i] = bq.Z_var() assert (vars[0] == vars).all()
[docs]def test_Z_var_close(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() vars = np.empty(100) for i in xrange(100): vars[i] = bq.Z_var() assert np.allclose(vars[0], vars)
[docs]def test_Z_var(): # int int m_l(x) m_l(x') C_tl(x, x') dx dx' util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() xo = util.make_xo() approx_var = bq._approx_Z_var(xo) calc_var = bq._exact_Z_var() assert np.allclose(approx_var, calc_var, atol=1e-4)
[docs]def test_expected_Z_var_close(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() Z_var = bq.Z_var() E_Z_var = bq.expected_Z_var(bq.x_s) assert np.allclose(E_Z_var, Z_var, atol=1e-4)
[docs]def test_expected_squared_mean_valid(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() x_a = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, 10) esm = bq.expected_squared_mean(x_a) assert (esm >= 0).all()
[docs]def test_expected_squared_mean_params(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() with pytest.raises(ValueError): bq.expected_squared_mean(np.array([np.nan])) with pytest.raises(ValueError): bq.expected_squared_mean(np.array([np.inf])) with pytest.raises(ValueError): bq.expected_squared_mean(np.array([-np.inf]))
[docs]def test_expected_squared_mean(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() x_a = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, 20) esm = bq.expected_squared_mean(x_a) bq.options['use_approx'] = True approx = bq.expected_squared_mean(x_a) assert np.allclose(approx, esm, rtol=1)
[docs]def test_plot_gp_log_l(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() fig, ax = plt.subplots() bq.plot_gp_log_l(ax) ax.cla() bq.plot_gp_log_l(ax, f_l=lambda x: np.log(util.f_x(x))) ax.cla() bq.plot_gp_log_l(ax, xmin=-10, xmax=10) ax.cla() plt.close('all')
[docs]def test_plot_gp_l(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() fig, ax = plt.subplots() bq.plot_gp_l(ax) ax.cla() bq.plot_gp_l(ax, f_l=util.f_x) ax.cla() bq.plot_gp_l(ax, xmin=-10, xmax=10) ax.cla() plt.close('all')
[docs]def test_plot_l(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() fig, ax = plt.subplots() bq.plot_l(ax) ax.cla() bq.plot_l(ax, f_l=util.f_x) ax.cla() bq.plot_l(ax, xmin=-10, xmax=10) ax.cla() plt.close('all')
[docs]def test_plot(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() bq.plot() plt.close('all') bq.plot(f_l=util.f_x) plt.close('all') bq.plot(xmin=-10, xmax=10) plt.close('all')
[docs]def test_plot_expected_variance(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() fig, ax = plt.subplots() bq.plot_expected_variance(ax) ax.cla() bq.plot_expected_variance(ax, xmin=-10, xmax=10) ax.cla() plt.close('all')
[docs]def test_plot_expected_squared_mean(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() fig, ax = plt.subplots() bq.plot_expected_squared_mean(ax) ax.cla() bq.plot_expected_squared_mean(ax, xmin=-10, xmax=10) ax.cla() plt.close('all')
[docs]def test_l(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() assert (np.log(bq.l_s) == bq.tl_s).all() assert (bq.l_s == bq.l_sc[:bq.ns]).all() assert (bq.l_sc[bq.ns:] == np.exp(bq.gp_log_l.mean(bq.x_c))).all()
[docs]def test_expected_squared_mean_1(): util.npseed() X = np.linspace(-5, 5, 20)[:, None] for x in X: bq = util.make_bq(x=x, nc=0) m2 = bq.Z_mean() ** 2 E_m2 = bq.expected_squared_mean(x) assert np.allclose(m2, E_m2, atol=1e-4) E_m2_close = bq.expected_squared_mean(x - 1e-10) assert np.allclose(m2, E_m2_close, atol=1e-4) E_m2_close = bq.expected_squared_mean(x - 1e-8) assert np.allclose(m2, E_m2_close, atol=1e-4)
[docs]def test_periodic(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_periodic_bq() x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1000) y = util.f_xp(x) assert np.allclose(bq.l_mean(x), y, atol=1e-3)
[docs]def test_periodic_z_mean(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_periodic_bq() x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1000) l = bq.l_mean(x) p_x = bq._make_approx_px(x) approx_z = np.trapz(l * p_x, x) assert np.allclose(bq.Z_mean(), approx_z)
[docs]def test_periodic_z_var(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_periodic_bq() x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1000) l = bq.l_mean(x) C = bq.gp_log_l.cov(x) p_x = bq._make_approx_px(x) approx_z = np.trapz(np.trapz(C * l * p_x, x) * l * p_x, x) assert np.allclose(bq.Z_var(), approx_z)
@pytest.mark.xfail(reason="poorly conditioned matrix")
[docs]def test_periodic_expected_squared_mean(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_periodic_bq(nc=0) x_a = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, 20)[:, None] x = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 1000) for xa in x_a: esm = bq.expected_squared_mean(xa) approx = bq._approx_expected_squared_mean(xa, x) assert np.allclose(esm, approx)
[docs]def test_periodic_expected_squared_mean_1(): util.npseed() X = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 20)[:, None] for x in X: bq = util.make_periodic_bq(x=x, nc=0) m2 = bq.Z_mean() ** 2 E_m2 = bq.expected_squared_mean(x) assert np.allclose(m2, E_m2, atol=1e-4) E_m2_close = bq.expected_squared_mean(x - 1e-10) assert np.allclose(m2, E_m2_close, atol=1e-4) E_m2_close = bq.expected_squared_mean(x - 1e-8) assert np.allclose(m2, E_m2_close, atol=1e-4)
[docs]def test_add_observation(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() x = bq.x_s.copy() l = bq.l_s.copy() tl = bq.tl_s.copy() x_a = 20 l_a = util.f_x(x_a) tl_a = np.log(l_a) bq.add_observation(x_a, l_a) assert (bq.x_s == np.append(x, x_a)).all() assert (bq.l_s == np.append(l, l_a)).all() assert (bq.tl_s == np.append(tl, tl_a)).all() assert (bq.x_s == bq.x_sc[:bq.ns]).all() assert (bq.l_s == bq.l_sc[:bq.ns]).all() old_x_s = bq.x_s.copy() old_l_s = bq.l_s.copy() bq.add_observation(x[0], l[0]) assert (old_x_s == bq.x_s).all() assert (old_l_s == bq.l_s).all()
[docs]def test_approx_add_observation(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_periodic_bq(np.linspace(-np.pi, 0, 4)) x = bq.x_s.copy() l = bq.l_s.copy() tl = bq.tl_s.copy() x_a = np.pi / 2. l_a = util.f_x(x_a) tl_a = np.log(l_a) bq.add_observation(x_a, l_a) assert (bq.x_s == np.append(x, x_a)).all() assert (bq.l_s == np.append(l, l_a)).all() assert (bq.tl_s == np.append(tl, tl_a)).all() assert (bq.x_s == bq.x_sc[:bq.ns]).all() assert (bq.l_s == bq.l_sc[:bq.ns]).all() old_x_s = bq.x_s.copy() old_l_s = bq.l_s.copy() bq.add_observation(x[0], l[0]) assert (old_x_s == bq.x_s).all() assert (old_l_s == bq.l_s).all()
[docs]def test_getstate(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq(init=False) # uninitialized state = bq.__getstate__() assert (state['x_s'] == bq.x_s).all() assert (state['l_s'] == bq.l_s).all() assert (state['tl_s'] == bq.tl_s).all() assert state['options'] == bq.options assert state['initialized'] == bq.initialized assert sorted(state.keys()) == sorted( ['x_s', 'l_s', 'tl_s', 'options', 'initialized']) util.init_bq(bq) state = bq.__getstate__() assert (state['x_s'] == bq.x_s).all() assert (state['l_s'] == bq.l_s).all() assert (state['tl_s'] == bq.tl_s).all() assert state['options'] == bq.options assert state['initialized'] == bq.initialized assert state['gp_log_l'] == bq.gp_log_l assert (state['gp_log_l_jitter'] == bq.gp_log_l.jitter).all() assert state['gp_l'] == bq.gp_l assert (state['gp_l_jitter'] == bq.gp_l.jitter).all() assert sorted(state.keys()) == sorted( ['x_s', 'l_s', 'tl_s', 'options', 'initialized', 'gp_log_l', 'gp_log_l_jitter', 'gp_l', 'gp_l_jitter', '_approx_x', '_approx_px'])
[docs]def test_copy(): util.npseed() bq1 = util.make_bq(init=False) bq2 = bq1.copy(deep=False) assert bq1 is not bq2 state1 = bq1.__getstate__() state2 = bq2.__getstate__() assert sorted(state1.keys()) == sorted(state2.keys()) for key in state1.keys(): if isinstance(state1[key], np.ndarray): assert (state1[key] == state2[key]).all() elif not isinstance(state1[key], GP): assert state1[key] == state2[key] if not isinstance(state1[key], bool): assert state1[key] is state2[key] util.init_bq(bq1) assert bq1.initialized assert not bq2.initialized state1 = bq1.__getstate__() state2 = bq2.__getstate__() assert sorted(state1.keys()) != sorted(state2.keys()) for key in state1.keys(): if key == 'initialized': continue if key not in state2: continue if isinstance(state1[key], np.ndarray): assert (state1[key] == state2[key]).all() elif not isinstance(state1[key], GP): assert state1[key] == state2[key] if not isinstance(state1[key], bool): assert state1[key] is state2[key] bq1 = util.make_bq() bq2 = bq1.copy(deep=False) state1 = bq1.__getstate__() state2 = bq2.__getstate__() assert sorted(state1.keys()) == sorted(state2.keys()) for key in state1.keys(): if isinstance(state1[key], np.ndarray): assert (state1[key] == state2[key]).all() elif not isinstance(state1[key], GP): assert state1[key] == state2[key] if not isinstance(state1[key], bool): assert state1[key] is state2[key]
[docs]def test_deepcopy(): util.npseed() bq1 = util.make_bq(init=False) bq2 = bq1.copy(deep=True) assert bq1 is not bq2 state1 = bq1.__getstate__() state2 = bq2.__getstate__() assert sorted(state1.keys()) == sorted(state2.keys()) for key in state1.keys(): if isinstance(state1[key], np.ndarray): assert (state1[key] == state2[key]).all() elif not isinstance(state1[key], GP): assert state1[key] == state2[key] if not isinstance(state1[key], bool): assert state1[key] is not state2[key] util.init_bq(bq1) assert bq1.initialized assert not bq2.initialized state1 = bq1.__getstate__() state2 = bq2.__getstate__() assert sorted(state1.keys()) != sorted(state2.keys()) for key in state1.keys(): if key == 'initialized': continue if key not in state2: continue if isinstance(state1[key], np.ndarray): assert (state1[key] == state2[key]).all() elif not isinstance(state1[key], GP): assert state1[key] == state2[key] if not isinstance(state1[key], bool): assert state1[key] is not state2[key] bq1 = util.make_bq() bq2 = bq1.copy(deep=True) state1 = bq1.__getstate__() state2 = bq2.__getstate__() assert sorted(state1.keys()) == sorted(state2.keys()) for key in state1.keys(): if isinstance(state1[key], np.ndarray): assert (state1[key] == state2[key]).all() elif not isinstance(state1[key], GP): assert state1[key] == state2[key] if not isinstance(state1[key], bool): assert state1[key] is not state2[key]
[docs]def test_set_params(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() params_tl = bq.gp_log_l.params params_l = bq.gp_l.params x_sc = bq.x_sc.copy() l_sc = bq.l_sc.copy() bq._set_gp_log_l_params(dict(h=10, w=3.0, s=0.01)) assert (bq.gp_log_l.params != params_tl).all() assert (bq.gp_l.params == params_l).all() assert (bq.gp_log_l.jitter == 0).all() assert (bq.gp_l.jitter == 0).all() assert (bq.x_sc == x_sc).all() assert not (bq.l_sc == l_sc).all() params_tl = bq.gp_log_l.params bq._set_gp_l_params(dict(h=0.3, w=1.4, s=0.01)) assert (bq.gp_log_l.params == params_tl).all() assert (bq.gp_l.params != params_l).all() assert (bq.gp_log_l.jitter == 0).all() assert (bq.gp_l.jitter == 0).all()
[docs]def test_fit_hypers(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() llh = bq.gp_log_l.log_lh + bq.gp_l.log_lh bq.fit_hypers(['h', 'w']) new_llh = bq.gp_log_l.log_lh + bq.gp_l.log_lh assert new_llh >= llh
[docs]def test_sample_hypers(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() params = ['h', 'w'] params_tl = {p: bq.gp_log_l.get_param(p) for p in params} params_l = {p: bq.gp_l.get_param(p) for p in params} bq.sample_hypers(params) assert not np.isinf(bq.gp_log_l.log_lh) assert not np.isinf(bq.gp_l.log_lh) for p in params: assert bq.gp_log_l.get_param(p) != params_tl[p] assert bq.gp_l.get_param(p) != params_l[p] bq = util.make_bq(init=False) bq.init(params_tl=(15, 2, 0), params_l=(0.2, 1.3, 0)) bq.sample_hypers(['h', 'w']) assert not np.isinf(bq.gp_log_l.log_lh) assert not np.isinf(bq.gp_l.log_lh) bq = util.make_bq(init=False) bq.init(params_tl=(15, 2, 0), params_l=(0.00002, 1.3, 0)) bq.sample_hypers(['h']) assert not np.isinf(bq.gp_log_l.log_lh) assert not np.isinf(bq.gp_l.log_lh) bq = util.make_bq(init=False) bq.init(params_tl=(15, 2, 0), params_l=(0.2, 5, 0)) bq.sample_hypers(['w']) assert not np.isinf(bq.gp_log_l.log_lh) assert not np.isinf(bq.gp_l.log_lh) bq = util.make_bq(init=False) bq.init(params_tl=(15, 2, 0), params_l=(0.00000002, 1.3, 0)) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): bq.sample_hypers(['w'])
[docs]def test_marginal_mean(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() # marginal mean values = bq.marginalize( [bq.Z_mean], 20, ['h', 'w']) assert len(values) == 1 assert values[0].shape == (20,)
[docs]def test_marginal_mean_and_variance(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() # marginal mean and variance values = bq.marginalize( [bq.Z_mean, bq.Z_var], 20, ['h', 'w']) assert len(values) == 2 assert values[0].shape == (20,) assert values[1].shape == (20,)
[docs]def test_marginal_loss(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() x_a = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, 5) # setting params llh = bq.gp_log_l.log_lh + bq.gp_l.log_lh f = lambda: bq.expected_squared_mean(x_a) values = bq.marginalize([f], 20, ['h', 'w']) assert len(values) == 1 assert values[0].shape == (20, 5)
[docs]def test_choose_next(): util.npseed() bq = util.make_bq() x_a = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, 5) bq.choose_next(x_a, 20, ['h', 'w']) bq.choose_next(x_a, 20, ['h', 'w'], plot=True)